Welcome to Erik's wacky world.

So, yeah, this is my web page. Lame, huh? Well, yeah, that's the idea, to keep it simple without being overly minimalistic... And yet, how not to fall victim to the inherent hypocracy of conrtibuting to the overwhelming quantity of information horse manure littering the so-called information superhighway? My goal is to acknowledge the need to provide some small amount of potentially relevant, and maybe even useful, information without appearing to be making some pathetic attempt at being cool. Of course, my very declaration that I'm not a part of this most sinister of subcultures, this psuedo-trendy, wanna-be cool thing, marks me as yet another member of that clique, does it not? Well, try to take it at face value. Self-importance and self-delusion are not part of my makeup, save when I choose for otherwise to be the case. Judge for yourself...

Anyway, I'm not gonna bore you with my life story, or at least not the full version. I'm just a guy, a fool in love, an ordinary joe who is frequently accused of being weird. I don't usually mind that very much though; it's more compliment than epithet in my book. As for what I do now, and I got there, most of that stuff is here, on my resume. Of course, it's out of date (though more incomplete than out-of-date, really - you did read the disclaimer, right?), and makes for a somewhat dry read. Deal with it.
No, really, tell me more...

Everyone has their picture on their web page!! Me too. But at least I don't force you to wait for it to load unless you want to...

Obligitory dead link

This site is 100% Micro$oft Free. No computers were harmed while creating anything on this site.

(Mmmm, smell the template from the top level...)

"The internet may travel at the speed of light.
But it is still only as fast as what we put up on it.
And tonight, I'm slow as a sloth." - Böh

rev 2/1/98 Erik Muller